What Are the Benefits of Attending a Creative Writing Summer School?

19 Dec, 2023 | Blog Articles, Writing Articles

Creative writing has been a popular pursuit for centuries as both an academic discipline and a unique form of self expression. 

Attending a creative writing summer school provides a wide range of academic benefits, and allows students to develop as writers, nurture their passions, and learn the nuances and technicalities of creative writing. 

It’s also an excellent opportunity to learn valuable skills and qualities to prepare for university and beyond!

6 benefits of attending a creative writing summer school

Here are six reasons to attend a creative writing summer school this year:

1. Exploring the Craft of Writing

A creative writing summer school is the perfect space for students to delve deeper into the craft of writing, and to be guided by experienced and passionate tutors. A creative writing course typically covers many aspects of writing, such as character development, plot construction and how to create compelling narratives. 

By attending a creative writing summer school, students can pick up new creative writing tips to enhance their work and help them to develop as writers.

2. Developing Writing Skills

Signing up for a creative writing summer school offers access to a structured environment for students to refine their writing skills. A summer school is a rare opportunity to devote a substantial block of time to developing your skills and knowledge, and to explore a subject beyond the school curriculum. For creative writing, this means working closely on your writing, artistry and individuality. 

Many workshops and practical exercises are offered as part of a summer school to help students experiment with different writing styles, improve their grammar and vocabulary, and receive valuable feedback on their work.

3. Inspiration and Creativity

Having the space to work on creative writing for an extended period of time can also spark inspiration and boost creativity. In particular, a summer school in Oxford – one of the most famous and iconic literary cities – is especially valuable. Studying in the city of dreaming spires, students can get inspired by the very streets and buildings that influenced some of the world’s greatest writers, including C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein. 

An Oxford creative writing summer school gives students the opportunity to work with diverse literary works, listen to guest speakers, and participate in stimulating discussions, sparking new ideas and alternative perspectives. By exploring a range of different genres, authors and styles, students are encouraged to think widely and critically about the texts they’re engaging with.

4. Building a Writing Community

A summer school is a wonderful way to connect with like-minded individuals and to meet students who share a passion for writing. It offers a collaborative environment where students can engage in peer feedback, participate in writing exercises together, and establish long-lasting relationships with fellow writers.

Group of students at a creative writing summer school.

5. Portfolio Building and Publication Opportunities

A creative writing summer school is a great chance to build your portfolio as a young writer. Having a substantial chunk of time to spend working on writing projects can help students to compile strong portfolios. 

A writing portfolio is a valuable asset that students take away from the experience that can help with future academic and professional pursuits.

There are also opportunities throughout the course for students to showcase their work, participate in writing competitions, and potentially get published in literary journals or anthologies. It’s a great way to kickstart your career at a young age!

6. Confidence and Personal Growth

Attending a creative writing summer school also builds a student’s confidence. Trusting yourself and practising your writing is the best way to develop a strong and personal writing style, and attending a creative writing course is the perfect way to do this. 

It’s also a great opportunity to grow and develop beyond your academics. Students are encouraged to share their writing, receive constructive criticism, and learn to embrace vulnerability. These are all very valuable skills that foster growth and development

Additionally, the supportive and encouraging environment at a summer school can help students to develop resilience and self-belief in their writing abilities, equipping young writers for a future of hard work and creativity.

A creative writing summer course is a unique chance to explore the craft of writing, grow as a person, meet and work with new people, and become inspired in a unique environment. 

Attend a creative writing summer school

Our summer school based in the city of Oxford is an excellent option for aspiring young writers. If you would be interested in developing your passion in one of the world’s most iconic academic cities, you can browse our upcoming Oxford Summer Courses.


By Jessica Mason

Jessica is currently studying a BA in English Language and Literature at the University of Oxford, and has a particular interest in Early Modern theatre. She enjoys writing articles and has lots of experience in student journalism.

Looking to take part in a Creative Writing Summer School?

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