Psychology Articles

What Is Spatial Mapping?

What Is Spatial Mapping?

Our brains are really amazing organs, and they do a lot of work without us even realising. Things like directions and spatial mapping are a brilliant example of this. This is just one of the many fascinating topics you can explore in-depth at Oxford Scholastica...

What Is Spatial Mapping?

Our brains are really amazing organs, and they do a lot of work without us even realising. Things like directions and spatial mapping are a brilliant example of this. This is just one of the many fascinating topics you can explore in-depth...

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How to Develop a Positive Attitude in High School

How to Develop a Positive Attitude in High School

High school can be a period of immense pressure. Students are expected to stay on track with their academics, take part in social activities, and make important and impactful decisions about their future.  The combination of these pressures can take its toll on...

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15 Best UK Universities to Study Psychology

15 Best UK Universities to Study Psychology

Studying Psychology at university is the perfect opportunity to explore the workings of the human mind and develop an in-depth understanding of human behaviour.  It’s also an important stepping stone to working in certain psychological professions, as a degree in...

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What Are the Benefits of a Psychology Summer School?

What Are the Benefits of a Psychology Summer School?

Psychology summer schools are summer programmes designed to give students the opportunity to explore the subject outside of the school curriculum. Often designed to mimic the experience of studying a Psychology degree, they can be a great way to develop your skills...

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10 Psychology Books Everyone Should Read

10 Psychology Books Everyone Should Read

Psychology is a wide-reaching field, covering everything from social attachments to disorders of the brain and nervous system (neurology). We've put together a list of ten Psychology books that we think every student should read. Whether you're preparing to study at...

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Reasons You Should Be a Scientific Researcher

Reasons You Should Be a Scientific Researcher

There is a teapot flying around the moon, too small to be seen by any modern telescope. Much closer to us, there are birds flying through the sky. One of these claims is, of course, nonsense. Last time we checked, there was no crockery orbiting anything in space. Even...

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5 Benefits of Online Learning for Students

5 Benefits of Online Learning for Students

Since the start of the pandemic, schools, universities, and workplaces have increasingly moved online, learning to adapt to new ways of working and teaching. The loss of face-to-face interaction has brought some challenges and hurdles, but there is also much to be...

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Split Brain Experiments: Are You One Person or Two?

Split Brain Experiments: Are You One Person or Two?

Would you believe me if I told you that the two halves of your brain know different things about the world: that they have different beliefs, abilities and even personalities? Many top psychology books discuss the widely held misconception that logical people are...

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The Psychology of Student Success

The Psychology of Student Success

Imagine I could whisper thoughts about you directly into your mind. Whatever I whispered, you would believe about yourself. How would you feel about my having this power? If your answer would depend on what I would say, what does that make you think about what you...

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What Can I Do With a Psychology Degree?

What Can I Do With a Psychology Degree?

Are you wondering what you can do with a psychology degree? A psychology degree opens the door to a range of exciting and rewarding career opportunities. One way to begin exploring these possibilities is by delving into psychology books, which can offer valuable...

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