Online Summer Internships
(For Ages 15-18)

Join an online Research Internship to work with an expert mentor, explore a cutting-edge topic in your field, and co-author a research paper.

At the end of your month-long internship, you’ll publish your paper in an academic journal. This is the single best way to make your university application stand out from the crowd.

A 15 year old doing an online internship for high school students
Course Selector
Course Selector

Choose Your Favourite Subject

Applications are open for our 2025 Online Summer Internships (and we’re adding more all the time).
Read more below and apply for an internship.

Business, Economics & Finance Internships

Medicine Internships

Psychology & Neuroscience Internships

Economics research internship in the UK

Business, Economics & Finance Internships

Join a Business, Economics & Finance Research Internship to explore what a future in the field could be like.

Work alongside an academic researcher in Economics and co-author a research paper on a cutting-edge topic. Your work will be submitted for publication in OxJournal, an academic journal, and you’ll receive a Letter of Recommendation from your Mentor.

See upcoming internship opportunities below.

July Research Internship (Saturdays): FinTech and the Future
FinTech, or financial technology, is revolutionising the finance sector, bringing about significant changes in our financial management and interactions.

During this month-long internship, you’ll research the dynamic FinTech landscape, analysing cutting-edge innovations such as blockchain, digital currencies, and automated investing platforms. You’ll evaluate how these developments are reshaping finance’s future, from enhancing customer experiences to revolutionising traditional banking and investment models.

Throughout this month-long internship, you’ll co-author an academic research paper on this topic for publication, which will help you to stand out from the crowd when it comes to university applications.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Saturdays from 2-5pm UK time
Dates Saturdays 5th July, 12th July, 19th July, 26th July 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.
August Research Internship (Saturdays): Global Economic Governance

What role do the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and World Bank play in promoting and supporting global economic trade?

During this internship, you’ll assess how these bodies influence global economic policies and practices. You’ll research their impact on global trade, financial stability, and sustainable development, gaining insights into the complexities of managing the international economy.

Throughout this month-long internship, you’ll co-author an academic research paper on this topic for publication, which will help you to stand out from the crowd when it comes to university applications.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Saturdays from 12-3pm UK time
Dates Saturdays 9th August, 16th August, 23rd August, 30th August 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.
August Research Internship (Sundays): Disruptive Applications of Blockchain
As blockchain technologies continue to disrupt established financial systems, their potential applications in other sectors are also becoming clear. How can governments adopt blockchain technologies to create secure voting systems? What impact will blockchain have on global supply chains? And how can we leverage this technology in industry?

Blockchain technology is still relatively new, but has the potential to disrupt – and improve – many established systems. During the internship, you’ll research the potential uses of blockchain and its impact on the global economy.

Throughout this month-long internship, you’ll co-author an academic research paper on this topic for publication, which will help you to stand out from the crowd when it comes to university applications.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Sundays from 4-7pm UK time
Dates Sundays 10th August, 17th August, 24th August, 31st August 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.

Medicine Internships

Join a Medicine Research Internship to explore what a future as a doctor could be like and gain valuable experience for your medical school applications.

Work alongside an academic researcher in Medicine and co-author a research paper on a cutting-edge topic. Your work will be submitted for publication in OxJournal, an academic journal, and you’ll receive a Letter of Recommendation from your Mentor.

See upcoming Medicine internship opportunities below.

A stethoscope used in our medicine internships for high school students
July Research Internship (Saturdays): Epigenetics

Epigenetics is a field at the cutting edge of medicine, exploring how environmental factors and trauma can alter our genes – and even be passed down to future generations.

This month-long internship provides an opportunity to explore this area of study. You will research the biological mechanisms behind epigenetic changes, analysing whether the experience of trauma can leave a genetic imprint that affects future generations. Your work will contribute to our understanding of hereditary mental health.

Supported by your Mentor, you’ll collaborate with your fellow interns to co-author an academic research paper for publication on this cutting-edge topic.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Saturdays from 2-5pm UK time
Dates Saturdays 5th July, 12th July, 19th July, 26th July 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.
August Research Internship (Saturdays): AI in Breast Cancer

Breast cancer screening and prevention has been improving for decades, and the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to aid with early detection will only accelerate this process – potentially saving millions of lives.

On this month-long internship, you’ll research the latest developments in cancer screening, and consider how AI and machine learning algorithms can be used to improve early detection of the disease. You’ll also explore how these technologies can be integrated into medical practice to provide more effective and personalised breast cancer care.

Supported by your Mentor, you’ll collaborate with your fellow interns to co-author an academic research paper for publication on this cutting-edge topic.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Saturdays from 12-3pm UK time
Dates Saturdays 9th August, 16th August, 23rd August, 30th August 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.
  • Please note that this topic is also offered on Sundays in August 2025, from 4-7pm UK time, which may be more convenient for students in North and South America – the content is the same, so interns should select the time and date option that is most convenient for them.
August Research Internship (Sundays): AI in Breast Cancer

Breast cancer screening and prevention has been improving for decades, and the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to aid with early detection will only accelerate this process – potentially saving millions of lives.

On this month-long internship, you’ll research the latest developments in cancer screening, and consider how AI and machine learning algorithms can be used to improve early detection of the disease. You’ll also explore how these technologies can be integrated into medical practice to provide more effective and personalised breast cancer care.

Supported by your Mentor, you’ll collaborate with your fellow interns to co-author an academic research paper for publication on this cutting-edge topic.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Sundays from 4-7pm UK time
Dates Sundays 10th August, 17th August, 24th August, 31st August 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.
  • Please note that this topic is also offered on Saturdays in August 2025, from 12-3pm UK time, which may be more convenient for students in Asia, Africa and Europe – the content is the same, so interns should select the time and date option that is most convenient for them.

Psychology & Neuroscience Internships

Join a Psychology & Neuroscience Research Internship to explore what a future in the field could be like.

Work alongside an academic researcher in Psychology & Neuroscience and co-author a research paper on a cutting-edge topic. Your work will be submitted for publication in OxJournal, an academic journal, and you’ll receive a Letter of Recommendation from your Mentor.

See upcoming Psychology & Neuroscience internship opportunities below.

Online psychology internships for high school students
August Research Internship (Saturdays): PTSD & Trauma

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma significantly impact mental health, affecting psychological and neurological functions.

Throughout this month-long internship, you will research the latest studies on PTSD and our understanding of how it develops. You’ll also analyse various therapeutic treatment options for managing PTSD, and you’ll evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches.

Collaborating with your fellow interns, you’ll undertake research on this pioneering topic, and (with your Mentor) you’ll co-author an academic research paper for publication.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Saturdays from 12-3pm UK time
Dates Saturdays 9th August, 16th August, 23rd August, 30th August 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.
August Research Internship (Sundays): The Psychology of Making & Breaking Habits

Why are some habits so easy to make, and so difficult to break? Why do some people struggle for years to quit smoking, while others can stop more easily? Why do we form habits – and how can we take back control?

On this month-long internship, you’ll explore the psychology and neuroscience behind habits and addiction. You’ll research the latest studies of good habits and bad, and you’ll analyse the latest psychological techniques for helping people to make and break habits.

Collaborating with your fellow interns, you’ll undertake your own research on this cutting-edge topic, and (with your Mentor) you’ll co-author an academic research paper for publication.

Please note that due to the nature of this internship, places are extremely limited.


Location Online
Type Academic Research Internship (learn more about what to expect on the programme)
Days Sundays from 4-7pm UK time
Dates Sundays 10th August, 17th August, 24th August, 31st August 2025
Fees £995
  • Interns are expected to be present for all their sessions, though if an intern can’t make a particular date they will be given work to complete in order to ensure they still get value from the internship.
  • Interns can expect to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on their project outside of the live contact hours.

“This internship was such an insightful and engaging experience, which taught me the skills needed to become a business consultant. Every live session was jam packed with useful information and tips while also being fun and engaging. I highly recommend this programme!” – Catherine, Luxembourg

Group of students and Mentors on zoom for their online internship experience

What to Expect


If you’re considering signing up for a Research Internship, you may be wondering what to expect. Each internship runs for a month, with live sessions on weekends (either Saturdays or Sundays). You’ll also be expected to spend a minimum of three hours a week working on your project outside of the live sessions.

Here’s what you can expect: 


Session 1

  • Meet your Mentor and your fellow interns
  • Be introduced to the topic by your Mentor, and start to narrow down the focus of your research
  • Learn how to conduct research, including how to read, analyse and summarise the existing research
  • Split into small groups of 3-4 with your fellow interns and consider how to divide the research between the group

In between Sessions 1 and 2, you’ll do background reading on the topic, begin your own research and start making notes on your findings. 


Session 2

  • Learn how to structure and write a research paper and how to cite references
  • Discuss your background research with your Mentor and fellow interns, and ask any questions that came up during your preliminary reading
  • In your small group, decide on a research question
  • Draft a plan for your paper, divide responsibility for the sections between the group and begin the formal research process

In between Sessions 2 and 3, you’ll make progress with your own research and keep detailed notes. 


Session 3

  • Discuss your findings with your Mentor and fellow interns
  • Decide on the key themes of your argument in the research paper and begin to formalise your notes
  • Ask your Mentor any questions which have arisen from your research
  • Review your fellow interns’ work so far

In between Sessions 3 and 4, you’ll write up the bulk of your section of the research paper, with feedback from your Mentor. 


Session 4

  • Combine your section of the research paper with that of the rest of your group, and write the introduction and conclusion
  • Review your fellow interns’ work, and receive feedback on yours
  • Present your findings to the wider group
  • Complete the bibliography and finalise the structure and formatting of your paper, ready for submission to the OxJournal editorial board


The End of the Internship

After Session 4, you’ll graduate formally from the internship programme. If you need further time to complete your paper, you may be granted an extension by your Mentor. Once you submit the final version of your paper, your Mentor will review and submit it to the OxJournal editorial board, who will also review it. If it meets their publication standards, it will then be published in OxJournal – an impressive achievement!


Meet some of our Mentors

Headshot of Ellen Froustis, our Psychology Mentor

Ellen Froustis

Ellen Froustis is one of our Psychology Mentors. She is a researcher at the University of Oxford, and has both a Master’s of Education and a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. Ellen has served as General Secretary of the Greek Adlerian Psychological Association and Vice President of Habitat for Humanity. Her work has been awarded by the Nobel Peace Laureates’ Billion Acts of Peace and Character.Org for best practices in character education.

Headshot of Faissal Sharif, our Neuroscience Mentor

Faissal Sharif

Faissal Sharif is one of our Neuroscience Mentors. He is a researcher in Clinical Neuroscience at the University of Oxford, where he focuses on novel neurotechnology to fight mental disorders. Faissal has worked with organisations such as the European Space Agency, and has received numerous fellowships, including from the Foundation of German Economy (SDW). He also lectures at the IU International University of Applied Sciences.

An Oxford Scholastica Academy student doing an Online Research Internship

Why Take An Online Internship?

Our online internships give you the chance to go beyond the theory and experience what a career in your chosen field is really like.

Over the course of your internship, you’ll work with an expert to solve real-world problems, get an insider’s perspective into your chosen field, and produce a valuable piece of work, such as a final report or an article for publication. This unique experience will leave you better informed and better prepared to pursue your future goals.

What Do You Gain Out Of An Internship?

At the end of the internship, you’ll have gained a network of contacts from around the world, hands-on insights into your field, and crucial experience for your university applications and future CV.

1. Real-World Experience

Work on a real-life project or research, develop your skills and make an impact

2. Timeless Collaboration Skills

Collaborate with a team of like-minded interns from around the globe and learn to work with diverse individuals from different cultures and backgrounds

3. A Polished Resume (CV)

Enhance your university application and future resume, supported by a Letter of Recommendation from your Mentor (performance-dependent)

Certificate & Letter of Recommendation

  • On successful completion of your internship, you’ll be awarded an Oxford Scholastica Academy certificate
  • You (and your family) will be invited to an online Graduation Ceremony with your fellow students, to celebrate your achievements
  • In addition, you’ll receive a Letter of Recommendation written by your Mentor – which will help to give you the edge when you come to apply to university
Certificate of Achievement for our Online Research Internship
Psychology intern working at a table during an OxBright Psychology internship.


  • Students from all over the world, with a real interest in their chosen field, participate in our remote internship programme
  • You’ll collaborate with a team of other students
  • Students hail from countries such as the United States, Malaysia, India, Italy and the United Kingdom


  • Throughout your internship, you’ll work closely with a Mentor who is an expert in the field
  • Your Mentor is a young professional or academic with experience of studying and working in your chosen field
  • They will help you push your ideas further in order to produce the best possible piece of work and ensure that you make the most of the opportunities given
An online work experience mentor

Online Internship Dates & Prices

You can find the dates and fees for our online internships below. Internships run for a month with live sessions on four consecutive weekends, and you can read more about what to expect on an internship here.

Please note, we're adding more internships all the time. If you'd like to be the first to hear about upcoming internship opportunities in a variety of subjects, please register your interest here.


Responsive Internship Table

Research Internships

Month Dates & Times Subjects Price Action
July Saturdays between 5th July and 26th July 2025 (2-5pm UK time) Business, Economics & Finance, Medicine £995
August Saturdays between 9th August and 30th August 2025 (12-3pm UK time) Business, Economics & Finance, Medicine, Psychology & Neuroscience £995
August Sundays between 10th August and 31st August 2025 (4-7pm UK time) Business, Economics & Finance, Medicine, Psychology & Neuroscience £995

Register Your Interest

We’re adding more internships in new subjects all the time. If you can’t see the subject you’re interested in on this page, register your interest below to be the first to hear about new internship opportunities:

FAQs about our Online Internships

How do I apply to my chosen internship?

Please apply by filling in our application form. In the form, we’d like to hear about why you’d like to do your chosen internship, so that we can ensure that all interns get as much as possible out of the experience. We're looking for interns who are passionate about the field, keen to throw themselves into the programme and ready to make the most of the experience.

Collaboration is an important part of our internship programmes (just as it is in the world of work!) so please explain in your application why you'd like to be part of the team of interns.

Is there an application deadline?

There is no fixed deadline, as we assess applications on a rolling basis until we’re full. We’ll reply to your application with a decision within one working day.

What will I get at the end of the internship?

At the discretion of your Mentor, depending on your performance, you’ll receive a Letter of Recommendation after your internship. You’ll also leave with a better understanding of what it’s like to work in your chosen field, a network of contacts from around the world, and the valuable experience of real problem-solving or research.

On our Academic Research Internships, you'll also have the chance to have your work published in an academic journal online, and you'll be able to share the link with your family, friends and in future applications.

Can I do more than one internship at a time?

We love your enthusiasm, but it’s unfortunately not possible to do more than one internship at the same time, given the time you’ll need to dedicate to your project. However, many students choose to join us for multiple internships, in the same or different subjects, over time.

Do I need any special software or equipment in order to join my internship?

You don’t need any special software or equipment – just a quiet space in which to work and a reliable internet connection. You’ll be provided with a login to the software you’ll use to communicate with your team and your Mentor.

Who will my Mentor be?

Your Mentor is a young professional or academic with experience of studying and working in your chosen field. They will support you and your fellow interns throughout the internship, helping to push your ideas further and ensuring that you make the most of the opportunities given.

Is the internship suitable for international students?

Absolutely. As long as you’re able to be online each day at the specified time with your Mentor and your team, you’re welcome to join us from any time zone and any country! We’re very excited to welcome students from around the world to our events each year. We have internships running at various times to suit time zones from around the world.

What do you do in a virtual internship?

During the internship, interns will work with peers from around the world on a challenging project or area of research. Supported by their Mentor, interns will produce real work that will have an impact. Read more about the specific projects on offer here.

Do online internships pay?

Students enrolled in our internship programme don’t get paid, but the programmes are extremely beneficial to students who want to gain experience in specific fields that aren't usually open to under-18s.

Are online internships good for resumes?

Yes! Online internships provide valuable experience for students and a competitive edge in university applications and in the jobs market. They allow students to gain skills and real work experience, along with the tailored support of a dedicated Mentor.

For students looking to expand their learning and professional development, our Oxford Summer School and Oxford Summer Courses also offer enriching opportunities. These programs can complement the experience gained in virtual internships, providing a well-rounded educational experience.

Why do an online internship?

Online internships are a great way for high-school students to get a taste of real research or working life, in a supportive environment. Interns can learn from experts and Mentors from around the world and gain valuable skills in their field of choice. Interns will receive a Letter of Recommendation at the end of their internship, and the opportunity to co-author an academic research paper or get real-life work experience.


The Psychology Internship was an amazing experience that challenged me and taught me how to think out of the box. I learned so much about the subject, and am looking forward to taking similar courses in future!


Headshot of Emma, an Oxford online Internship

China, Psychology & Neuroscience

A wonderful experience that equipped me with many valuable skills. I am forever grateful for the people that I was able to meet from all over the world and I would highly recommend this internship to anyone!


Headshot of Wei Law, an online Social Impact & Development intern

Wei Law,
UAE, Social Impact & Development

I found this internship opportunity very engaging and interesting! I was able to expand my knowledge on academic research and the international trade of COVID-19 vaccines, and I produced a research article of my own.


The Oxford Scholastical logo

Indonesia, Economics & Finance

Reserve Your Spot Today

Ready for a life-changing educational experience? Apply in minutes and reserve a spot for Oxford's #1 rated summer school or our online programmes.